Data Privacy Audit.

Annual Privacy Audit for your website with Gap Analysis!

A typical website has hundreds of beacons and cookies from third parties.
Many of them have access to customer personal information as well as behavior data.
Which means, significant legal / compliance risks for your organization. Audit today to know where you stand.

Results in just days!


A comprehensive report on data privacy risks.

Simple and easy to understand report delivered in PDF format. It only takes a couple of days to complete the audit! The report will highlight and list the data leak points, if any, and recommendations on how to manage the privacy risks!

Manage privacy risks better.

Information is power!

Understanding where and when customer personal information is being collected, and which vendors have access to them is the first step managing privacy risks. Using Clarip's patent pending Hybrid AI technology, we conduct a scan of your public facing assets and identify all the third-party cookies, beacons and trackers, as well as technology used behind the scenes. A powerful data flow map visualization helps you to easily manage these risks!

Gap Analysis. And Recommendations.

Websites and Apps change a lot. New vendors and APIs appear out of nowhere! It is important to keep your disclosure notices in line with what is actually happening on your site! Our Audit Report and analysis will show gaps, if any, along with recommendations on how to fix them!


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