GDPR Software for Compliance Automation in Data Mapping, Consent, DSARs, etc.
Clarip offers GDPR software for clients to automate portions of their GDPR compliance journey. From data mapping automation to a consent management tool to a leading DSAR Portal, Clarip offers companies ranging from the Fortune 500 to tech startups the ability to solve their data privacy challenges with a platform designed to help internal stakeholders (including the marketing team, privacy team, legal department, compliance or IT) decrease their compliance burdens while achieving their goals. In addition to the regulatory requirements, there are a range of other benefits from use of a privacy toolkit including the enhanced trust of customers that goes with greater transparency and consumer control over personal data.
About GDPR
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25, 2018 after a two year implementation period. Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) across Europe are receiving and reviewing complaints against businesses for violation’s of Europe’s new privacy law. The penalty for GDPR violations can be severe – up to 4% of global annual revenue.
GDPR applies to all organizations collecting personal data about individuals located in the European Union. From small businesses and nonprofits to the largest multinational corporations, GDPR requires that they have a legal basis for processing personal data and comply with the law’s other data protection requirements. These include such diverse requirements as conducting data protection impact assessments for certain processing activity, signing data protection agreements with processors of personal data on their behalf, offering transparency to consumers about their privacy practices, allowing individuals to exercise the data subject access rights, and maintaining records of processing activities to demonstrate privacy compliance.
Who Does Clarip Help?
The Clarip GDPR compliance software can help a variety of businesses enhance their privacy practices. Organizations usually fall into one of four categories:
1. Businesses that are not yet fully compliant.
2. Businesses that have manual processes in place and are looking to automate pain points.
3. Businesses located outside of Europe entering the EU or UK market
4. New Businesses
– Businesses that are not yet fully compliant.
According to benchmarking surveys, many large companies spent more than $10 million to get to a position of GDPR compliance. Other organizations decided to take more of a wait and see approach that took critical steps to improve privacy practices but did not rush to implement policies and technology before they proved necessary within the organization. A third category simply did not realize the extensive GDPR requirements and started to late to make sufficient progress in completing their journey by the May deadline. Finally, other organizations were limited by organizational priorities and budgets that required a phase-in approach to meeting the regulatory requirements. If your organization is in one of these categories, you are not alone. GDPR is a journey that does not stop at any fixed point. Clarip can work with your team to implement the software solutions that make sense for your organization within your budget.
– Businesses that have manual processes in place but need automation.
Many organizations prepared for GDPR through manual processes and are now finding out that their practices are not sufficient to meet the future demands that will be put on them. For example, a company may not have the resources in their privacy team to manually conduct updated data mapping or finalize an Article 30 Record of Processing Activity (ROPA) as well as complete their other priorities. Other organizations are having difficulty fulfilling the current level of data subject access requests coming into their organization and need to automate the process in order to handle the expected increase from greater adoption by EU citizens as well as the upcoming California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Businesses that have pain points in their current process should contact Clarip to discuss how the Clarip software can automate tasks and make their process more efficient.
– Businesses located outside of Europe entering the market.
Many US businesses decided that they did not need to worry about the GDPR requirements because they were not operating in Europe. However, many software vendors will subsequently wish to onboard a new client operating in Europe that requires the company to sign a data protection agreement in compliance with GDPR Article 28. Other businesses may change their mind as the company grows and strategic priorities change. If your organization did not initially need to prepare for GDPR and conditions have subsequently required a change in this decision, Clarip can help your organization prepare with its
– New Businesses
Establishing compliant data privacy practices has become a necessary cost of doing business and a minimal standard in order to win the business of many customers. For others, it has become a competitive advantage that they hope to exploit in order to win customers from their competitors. If your organization is just starting out, you may find efficiencies from putting in place these practices at the beginning than to retrofit your processes later. Clarip can work with your team to provide the software modules necessary at a cost that is affordable for growing small businesses.
GDPR Software for Privacy Automation
Clarip offers automation of substantial processes as part of its enterprise gdpr management software. Whether your organization is unhappy with your existing solution, has reached a pain point in a manual process or is looking to establish its privacy practices from scratch, the Clarip privacy compliance software can help your organization improve its data privacy practices. Here are a few of the modules that we offer for GDPR:
– Data Mapping, Data Inventory & Data Discovery
The Clarip Data Risk Intelligence scan offers organizations the ability to identify data processing, collection and sharing of personal data on their website and external facing assets (such as a mobile app). For organizations that are looking for insight into their internal data collection and processing, there is an additional module to enable scanning of internal structured and unstructured data.
– Consent Management, Preference Management & Cookie Consent Management
GDPR Article 6 sets forth six lawful basis for processing personal data. In order to legitimately process an individual’s data, a business must identify one of the six reasons. Among them, and perhaps the most flexible and powerful, is consent. However, there are a number of conditions placed on the collection and use of consent in Article 7 and the subsequent text. In order to make use of this basis as well as gain the attendant benefits in enhanced trust with consumers, a consent management platform should be used. The Clarip GDPR compliance software offers the ability to collect and track consent, preferences and even cookie consents through our opt-in and opt-out software.
– Data Subject Access Rights (DSAR) Portal
In the pursuit of greater transparency and returning control of personal data to data subjects, GDPR authorizes certain data subject rights to individuals. These include the ability to access the information collected, correct personal data and delete the data if it does not fall within one of the exceptions to the right to delete. The Clarip DSAR software offers organizations the ability to improve automation and efficiency in the process.
– Article 30 Record of Processing Activities (ROPA) Automation
Clarip has automated ROPAs with an additional module that works in tandem with the Clarip Data Risk Intelligence scans. Once an organization has used the Clarip data mapping software to identify their data collection, usage and sharing, the module transforms the information into the required records for compliance purposes. Additional processing can be input into the system manually as needed.
– Article 28 Vendor Management
One of the biggest problems for large organizations is tracking all of their vendors that are receiving personal data. The Clarip Data Risk Intelligence help privacy teams and compliance departments monitor their third-party data sharing and compare against their list of processors with Article 28 contracts.
– Article 35 Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIAs)
GDPR requires a privacy impact assessment referred to as a DPIA in cases where processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. Clarip offers a technology assisted approach to conducting a DPIA and electronically recording the records necessary with regard to the assessment.
– Transparency & Layered Privacy Policies
One of the core principles of GDPR is the requirement to provide users with transparency about an organizations privacy practices. This is accomplished by, inter alia, the Article 12 requirement for concise, intelligible, easily accessible, clear and plain language for communications to data subjects about processing.
The Privacy Notice for Humans(TM) offers organizations the ability to simplify their privacy policy for consumers who do not read long privacy policies. Through layered privacy notices, Clarip presents a short and easy to understand version of the privacy policy while maintaining the longer privacy policy for those who wish to read the specifics. The technology also offers the ability for organizations to present a just in time privacy notice to increase the awareness and trust of consumers as they offer data.
The Clarip Data Risk Intelligence module also helps organizations maintain accurate privacy policies by identifying gaps in privacy notices. There is often a gap between the privacy policy as written and the privacy practices as implemented. Data Risk Intelligence identifies these gaps through its Hybrid AI processes in order to provide better transparency to consumers.
– Consulting and Outsourced Data Protection Officer (DPO) Services
Organizations that need additional assistance in structuring their privacy program can engage Clarip for consulting services or as an outsourced DPO. Article 37 requires that some organizations designate a data protection officer where their core activities consist of regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale, or the company processes a large scale of special categories of data. It is well accepted that this designee can be an external individual or entity, so long as they have the skill, experience, resources and access needed to fulfill the requirements of the position specified in the law.
Contact Clarip Today for Help with CCPA and GPDR
The Clarip team and data privacy software are prepared to help your organization improve its privacy practices. Click here to contact us (return messages within 24 hours) or call 1-888-252-5653 to schedule a demo or speak to a member of the Clarip team.
If your challenge right now is CCPA compliance for your California operations, allow us to show you our CCPA software. From consent management software to offer the option to opt-out of the sale of personal data, to a powerful DSAR Portal to facilitate the right to access and delete, Clarip offers enterprise privacy management at an affordable price.
If you are preparing your European operations for GDPR compliance, we can help through our modular GDPR software. Whether you are looking to start the process with GDPR data mapping software, increase automation in your privacy program with DPIA software, or handle ePrivacy with a cookie consent manager, Clarip has the privacy platform that you need to bolster your program.
Click here to contact us (return messages within 24 hours) or call 1-888-252-5653 to schedule a demo or speak to a member of the Clarip team.
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