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CCPA Compliance Software – Consent, DSAR, Data Mapping Solutions for California Privacy

Clarip offers California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) software for enterprise organizations that need compliance assistance with AB375 & SB1121. Our solution offers data mapping, opt-out/opt-in consent and a DSAR Portal to help fulfill right to access and delete requests.

For a demo of the Clarip CCPA software, please call 1-888-252-5653.

For the new CA privacy law, many businesses will need to implement software to automate their processes if they did not previously buy one or more tools for GDPR already. The privacy technology that organizations and privacy professionals should consider for California includes automated data mapping, consent management software and a data subject access rights portal. Clarip has already developed each one of these tools as part of its GDPR software.

What businesses need to consider buying privacy software for California?

The new California privacy law was signed by the Governor at the end of June 2018 and goes into effect for businesses on January 1, 2020. The Attorney General is expected to engage in rulemaking to clarify certain portions of the legislation between now and 2020. Enforcement begins between January 1, 2020 and July 1, 2020, depending on when the final regulations are published by the Attorney General.

The privacy law applies to organizations doing businesses in California if they meet the law’s minimum requirements for a covered business. For most organizations, they will need to either have $25 million in annual revenue or collect/process personal information of 50,000 individuals. IAPP has estimated that the law will cover approximately 500,000 businesses located in the United States.

Manual processes may be an option for some smaller businesses that find themselves within the purview of the law. However, manual fulfillment of data subject access requests can quickly overwhelm personnel and manual tracking of opt-out requests risks errors. Many large businesses started from the premise that they would comply manually with GDPR and are now looking to automate their processes to save resources.

What privacy software will a business need?

Our review of the California Consumer Privacy Act indicates there are several tools that businesses will implement to minimize their compliance costs and manual processes. Most CA privacy software packages will be composed of:

Automated Data Mapping Software: Businesses will need to disclose the personal information that they are collecting about consumers for the prior 12 months as well as the categories of any sales (under the broad definition in the law) of personal information. The Clarip Data Risk Intelligence scans help businesses identify the personal information in their organization and third-party data sharing for disclosure.

DSAR Portal: Businesses will have to implement a system to collect requests from consumers and communicate with them. Although the law does not mandate the use of a software solution, many businesses will find the audit trail produced by an electronic system helpful if they are subsequently notified they may be in violation of the law. For access and delete requests, businesses must be able to verify the veracity of a consumer request. To delete, businesses may also need a tool to erase the personal information it collects from consumers if they request it (and one of the exceptions does not apply).

Consent Management Software: Businesses will need to have a method to track consumers who opt out of the sale of personal information and an API capable of preventing further sale or distribution of this information.

Learn more about California’s new law in our overview of the California Consumer Privacy Act.

