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Automate Data Mapping for Privacy Compliance through Software Tools

Are you still conducting manual data maps for GDPR compliance? Ask Clarip how to automate data mapping with our enterprise privacy management software tools. Discover how data flows through your organization, within and across divisions, and to third-party service providers. Call 1-888-252-5653 today for a demo of the Clarip software with regard to data privacy automation.

GDPR Article 30 introduced into certain controllers and processors an obligation to maintain a record of processing activities. The recordkeeping requirement involves documenting the purposes of processing, the categories of data subject and personal data, the categories of recipients from third-party data sharing, and other information identified by the law.

In a Fall 2017 survey of the riskiest GDPR obligations for companies in non-compliance, the obligation for data inventory/mapping was listed as second overall and the obligation to maintain Article 30 records was listed as fifth overall. In the European Union specifically, data mapping and Article 30 were ranked number two and three respectively, with only failing to prep for a data breach listed as more high risk.

Data mapping is not an explicit requirement of GDPR, but many organizations use it to help them document critical information such as what type of data is collected, how it is being used, and how long it is being retained.

Data mapping software was initially developed not for privacy compliance but for the integration or migration of data between two different electronic systems. However, as organizations are beginning to need to understand the complex data flows within their organization (as well as with third-party vendors), data mapping for privacy has taken on even more importance.

Most organizations approach data mapping for GDPR and other privacy compliance through one of two approaches. The first approach is questionnaires and interviews. The second approach is automated scanning of their systems. A third option is through API Integrations, which use existing frameworks to gather information and records about what data has been collected and how it has been processed.

A study published by the International Association of Privacy Professionals in 2016 found that just over 60% of organizations were performing their data inventory and mapping manually/informally with email, spreadsheets and in-person communication. At that time, only 10% of respondents used a commercial software tool designed for data inventory and mapping.

However, now that GDPR’s effective data of May 2018 has come and gone, more organizations are using privacy technology to conduct their data mapping. A 2018 survey found that over 20% of organizations had purchased and implemented software for data mapping and flows. Of the ten categories of privacy technology being purchased by organizations, tech for data maps and data flows were top on the list of what’s next for respondents. More than 30% of organizations intend to purchase or implement one of these privacy compliance tools next.

Companies can also use a combination of automated data mapping, electronic questionaires and API integrations in order to complete their Article 30 requirements. This removes some of the manual process from questionaires and interviews while ensuring that automated scanning does not miss anything because it was not looking in the right place.

Data mapping automation can be achieved through software tools made by Clarip. Once the information about the data has been automatically gathered, then it can be put in an amazing data visualization map to enable users of varying technical and non-technical backgrounds to understand the information that has been gathered and how the data flows through the organization. In other words, a true data map for your organization!

Call Clarip at 1-888-252-5653 for a demo of our data mapping automation tools. Or learn more about why data mapping is important for GDPR compliance.

Update: Clarip can also help your business with the California Consumer Privacy Act. Data mapping will be an important component of compliance with the transparency obligations to notify consumers of the categories of personal information that are being collected and sold in the prior 12 months. It also can assist with making responses to DSAR requests easier.